Um shorts com uma cor basica branco ou preto,com busas mais soltinhas com tênis acho superr na modaaa ,antes usar tênis com vistido.shorts,saia,era o cumulo do cumulo do absurdo,mas agora é modaa.
Cores vibrantes,mas o principal não estão usando,mas shorts agarrados só a calça jens mesmo,blusas o principal .Um Beijo para todos!! Kiss Kiss
We'll talk about light clothing and sports to go to places with her friends.
A basic color shorts with a white or black, with more busas soltinhas with tennis in modaaa superr think before wear shoes with vistido.shorts skirt was the height of the height of absurdity, but it is now fashionable.
Vibrant colors, but the main are not using, but only shorts clinging to jens same pants, blouses chief. A Kiss for all! Kiss Kiss

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